About ...

The Artist:

Always drawn to the creative process, I naturally gravitated toward artistic pursuits after a rather unfulfilling career as an attorney. When my kids were at school, I would spend hours in my studio working on a variety of projects that ranged from creating mosaics to making jewelry to designing invitations. I always loved colorful antique fruit and vegetable labels. One day, I  decided to enhance them with some beautiful Austrian crystals that I had in my studio. The results were "dazzling"; adding  interest, dimension and depth  to the underlying  work. I knew immediately that I was onto something unique and created NIK Crystal Art Studios.  I soon began extending this process to larger, more intricate vintage posters, geometrics and, now to photographs.  Today, I create one-of-a-kind artwork and photographs reimagined with thousands of the highest quality Austrian crystals. Each individual crystal is like a precious jewel, and the effect of many crystals together is absolutely radiant. Anywhere from 1,000 to 25,000 crystals are meticulously hand-applied to each piece with specially designed tools. When complete, the radiance and brilliance of the crystals help bring the image to life, shimmering as it captures and reflects light. I have developed a technique that allows me to elevate someone’s personal photograph into a unique work of art. From meaningful wedding and special event photographs to landscapes to cityscapes, the possibilities are endless. As stunning as it is unique, my work has been featured in a number of luxe publications including Sheridan Road Magazine and, most recently, in Modern Luxury Weddings Chicago, North Shore Edition.

The Process & Pricing:

Once the piece is chosen, the crystal application process begins. Only the highest quality Austrian Crystals, available in over 140 colors and various sizes, are used to enhance the piece.  The smallest crystals used are barely larger than a poppy seed. The cost of each piece varies greatly depending on its complexity and the sizes and number of crystals used to enhance it. Pricing specifics and framing services are available upon request.

When complete, the  radiance and brilliance of the crystals help to bring the art to life, shimmering as it captures and reflects the light. As viewing angles and lighting conditions change, so too will your piece of art. 

I would be delighted to answer any questions that you have about my work, and discuss the possibility of customizing a piece especially for you.  I would love the opportunity to create a personalized piece of art that, like a fine piece of jewelry, will catch your eye and be as stunning as it is unique!